The two major parties in our political system are THE main sources of distrust and ineffectiveness within our governments today. Their limited concept is no longer relevant in today's highly informed society.
The idea of a group of people banding together for a common cause IS part of the American way. And, yet, the two major parties that dominate our government are hardly part of the American ideal. More than two types of people/groups exist in our city, state, and country. Most importantly, nothing within our official political system (i.e. our constitutions) requires or even encourages a two party system. And, yet, when we listen to news programs or when folks discuss politics, things overwhelmingly center on the two parties. Which party said what, which lied, which is more corrupt, which is more wrong, etc? These parties have a way of bantering and purposely diverting people from the actual issues at hand. They constantly shift the focus to the parties themselves. Those parties are machines and such machines do not represent the voters. Ignore the party talk. Ignore those who speak and act along parties lines. It drags down our goals and dilutes our effectiveness. Simply vote for the individual who best represents your community and interests. Vote OUT the career politicians who seem to be doing more of the same and who spend more of their time helping the “machine” rather than the real people they are supposed to represent. Vote IN the person who cares more about representing their community than some party. If we are truly to achieve lasting change in our political system, we must put an end to major party dominance and not allow our representatives in office to be influenced by it. As the saying goes: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” ...and no one wants more of the same ol’ politics.
I have no debt or tie to any party, union, sponsor, or endorser. My only allegiance is to my ideals and my community.
Be sure to vote! …it’s easy
The idea of a group of people banding together for a common cause IS part of the American way. And, yet, the two major parties that dominate our government are hardly part of the American ideal. More than two types of people/groups exist in our city, state, and country. Most importantly, nothing within our official political system (i.e. our constitutions) requires or even encourages a two party system. And, yet, when we listen to news programs or when folks discuss politics, things overwhelmingly center on the two parties. Which party said what, which lied, which is more corrupt, which is more wrong, etc? These parties have a way of bantering and purposely diverting people from the actual issues at hand. They constantly shift the focus to the parties themselves. Those parties are machines and such machines do not represent the voters. Ignore the party talk. Ignore those who speak and act along parties lines. It drags down our goals and dilutes our effectiveness. Simply vote for the individual who best represents your community and interests. Vote OUT the career politicians who seem to be doing more of the same and who spend more of their time helping the “machine” rather than the real people they are supposed to represent. Vote IN the person who cares more about representing their community than some party. If we are truly to achieve lasting change in our political system, we must put an end to major party dominance and not allow our representatives in office to be influenced by it. As the saying goes: “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” ...and no one wants more of the same ol’ politics.
I have no debt or tie to any party, union, sponsor, or endorser. My only allegiance is to my ideals and my community.
Be sure to vote! …it’s easy